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Julia Hyman
Julia Hyman is a sculptor who works in wood and stone. She began her career in the 1960s. Since that time, she has exhibited in numerous galleries, museums and shows. She has also been a frequent award winner.
Before embracing sculpture full time, she had a successful career as an interior designer, specializing in restoration and renovation of homes and commercial buildings in New York City, New Jersey, Connecticut and Long Island's East End. She credits the architectural experience she has received over these years as important preparation and invaluable training for working with wood and stone.
Julia Hyman grew up in Mt. Vernon, New York. She attended the Parsons School of Design. She also studied stone carving with Jose De Creeft at the Art Student's League, clay sculpture with Marilyn Fox of New York City, and wood carving as well as welding with O. Vernon Shafer in Monroe, Wisconsin. She taught at the Parsons School of Design in New York City for several years.
Mrs. Hyman and her husband, Dick Hyman, the well-known musician, live in Venice, Florida, where they each have a studio.
Julia Hyman's work has been described as both emotional and strong, as well as "a union of asymmetry and balance" and possessing "a flowing, musical quality". Her subject matter is eclectic and is expressed in a variety of forms, from single figures to groups, and in modes ranging from stylized realism to abstract. Although her preference is to work in stone carving, she has a number of pieces subsequently cast in bronze in limited editions.
Julia Hyman's works, in addition to being publicly accessible in galleries and museums, also reside in private collections throughout the country.